
  • Teaching at “Bosthon” & the Tango Society of Boston

    I had the pleasure of returning to Boston to teach at the “Bosthon” Tango Marathon and at the “Tango Society of Boston”. It is a special city for me where I spread the seeds of Tango over 20 years ago. It was a wonderful experience to see how my “old” students have grown into talented dancers, teachers, DJs, and Tango organizers who are contributing so much to the community.

    Meeting up with them again, as well as with many new dancers, was truly special. I enjoyed sharing my knowledge and love for Tango, and we danced many amazing tandas that I will always cherish. It was a privilege to reconnect with such a vibrant and welcoming Tango community, and I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to have taught and danced with so many passionate and talented people.


  • Farewell Milonga at FameStudio in Kuala Lumpur

    I’m thrilled to have recently been honored with a Farewell Milonga at FameStudio in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, after spending 5 wonderful years teaching regular Tango classes there. It was an unforgettable night filled with joy, laughter, and memories that I will cherish forever.

    The event was organized by FameStudio and it was a magical evening where I had the pleasure of performing with Pablo Martinez for all of my students and Tango friends. It was a true highlight of my time in Malaysia, and I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to have shared my love and passion for Tango with such a dedicated and enthusiastic community.

    Overall, the Farewell Milonga was a perfect way to bring my time in Malaysia to a close, and it was a touching reminder of the wonderful friendships and memories that I have made over the years. I will always cherish the time I spent teaching and dancing with my students, and I look forward to staying connected with the Tango community in Malaysia for years to come.


  • Tango Teacher Training Program in Kuala Lumpur

    I’m thrilled to announce that I recently completed teaching Level 1 of the Teacher Training Program in KL for Tango enthusiasts who want to grow the community in Malaysia. It was an intense but incredibly rewarding journey, and I am proud of my students for their dedication and commitment to learning how to teach Tango to beginners.

    Throughout the program, we spent many hours studying and training, and it was a joy to see my students’ growth and progress. They were able to showcase their hard work and dedication by teaching a fantastic class at the prestigious Argentinian restaurant ‘Don Julio’ in KL. It was fulfilling to see them share their knowledge and love of Tango with others and inspire them to become part of the Tango community in Malaysia.

    Overall, I am humbled by the experience and grateful to have had the opportunity to share my passion for Tango with my students. I look forward to seeing the Tango community in Malaysia grow and thrive, and I’m excited to continue teaching and sharing my knowledge with others.

    You can learn more about the Teachers Training Program, here.


  • Performing at the Living Art Cultural Festival 2022 in Kuala Lumpur

    I had the opportunity to perform at the Living Art Cultural Festival 2022 (LACF) held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, at the MATIC venue. This event was organized by the Tourism, Arts, and Culture Ministry in collaboration with the National Culture and Arts Department (JKKN) and showcased various forms of arts that have been recognized by UNESCO as intangible cultural heritage.

    It was an incredible three-day event that featured dance and art performances from around the world. I feel fortunate to have been a part of this event and it was truly an unforgettable experience.

    Can’t wait to perform again!